Home > Davis, Military > James Nead Davis – United States Marine

James Nead Davis – United States Marine

James Nead Davis Military Record

James Nead Davis Military Record

My paternal grandfather, James Nead Davis, served with the United States Marine Corps from 6/6/1946 – 4/29/1947.  His date of entry into the service occurred one day after the declaration of German defeat was signed by the four allies on 6/5/1946.

“Papa” graduated from Robstown High School in Robstown, Texas 5/1946 and worked as a service station attendant before his enlistment.  His U.S. Marine Corps Report of Separation (see above) listed Math as his course of greatest interest.  What I find interesting is that his name and signature are  “James Neal Davis” on the report.

James Nead Davis Graduation Portrait

James Nead Davis Graduation Portrait

Currently, I don’t have any pictures of James in uniform.  His high school graduation portrait (see above) was taken shortly before his enlistment in the Marines.

Brian Davis – James Michael Davis – James Nead Davis

Categories: Davis, Military
  1. December 1st, 2010 at 12:00 | #1

    we always keep track of our family tree because it is exciting to know the family tree `,,

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