Home > Davis, Military > Military Portraits – Woody Davis and Paul Hargrave

Military Portraits – Woody Davis and Paul Hargrave

Many thanks to Margie Richardson for sending the above pictures of my grand uncles, Woody Burl Davis and Munden Paul Hargrave.  It is a great starting point for my research into their military service.  I hope to meet with Woody’s daughters, Judy Kay and Cheryl, next month.  Margie will send more info on Paul’s service in the near future.  Woody served with the United States Marine Corps and Paul with the United States Navy, both during World War II.

Brian Davis – James Michael Davis – James Nead Davis (brother of Woody Burl Davis)

Brian Davis – James Michael Davis – James Nead Davis (sister of Annell Hargrave (Davis)/brother in-law of Munden Paul Hargrave)

Categories: Davis, Military
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