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ancestry.com Comment

Wiley Berry and Leta Louise Gibson (McKinney) Headstone

Wiley Berry and Leta Louise Gibson (McKinney) Headstone

I recently received the following comment on ancestry.com regarding the above picture, taken in the Noonday Cemetery in Noonday, Smith County, Texas:

Her actual birthdate was October 22, 1911. Years ago, I found her birth certificate entry made by her father, Samuel McKinney filed at the Smith County Courthouse in a large book. I’ve been told that when this headstone was made, the year 1911 was put on (or was to be put on) the stone, but she thought she was born in 1912 and made them change it. She was my grandmother; I’m the daughter of her eldest daughter. I gave her a copy of her birth certificate at her birthday party one year – I think it made her mad because she said that made her one year older! We all still smile when someone mentions that story.

The comment was submitted by Barbara Purdue (Massey), a distant cousin through the Gibson family (see post below regarding Eliza Ruth Gibson (Harris).  I’ve replied to her comment and hope to post more information soon.

Brian Davis – James Michael Davis – James Nead Davis – Marjorie Leaine Davis  (Kirkpatrick) – Burla Eugene Kirkpatrick (Gibson) – Berrien Wiley Gibson (common ancestor)

Categories: Davis, Tombstone
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