
Archive for February 8th, 2010

Lancaster, Ohio Obituary – Mary Louise Waits (Morris)

February 8th, 2010 No comments
Mary Louise Waits Obituary

Mary Louise Waits (Morris) Obituary

This obituary is of my 3rd great grandmother, Mary Louise Waits (Morris), and was featured in the 7/14/1922 edition of the Lancaster Daily Gazette:

Mary Louise, daughter of Henry and Lydia Morris was born Dec. 20, 1851 at West Rushville Ohio. Died at Drinkle July 10, 1922, age 70 years, six months and 21 days. She was uinted (sic) in marriage to Eli Waits October 28, 1869. To this union were born four sons, Perry, Clint, and Clay of Lancaster, William of Columbus and one daughter, Mrs. May Hedges. Four sisters, one brother, thirteen grandchildren, one great grandchild and a host of friends mourn her loss.

During the pastorale of Rev. Montgomery, thirty-eight years ago, she united with the Zion United Brethren Church. Since that time she has been an earnest Christian and a faithful consistent member of the church. She was a good neighbor and a loving mother and her departure saddens many hearts.

The funeral was held from the home and was largely attended, showing the esteem in which she was held. Rev. Chester E. Tulga was in charge of the services. Resolutions of apreciation (sic) and sympathy from the Ladies’ Aid Society were read.

Her body was laid to rest in the Stoutsville cemetery, there to await the morning of the resurrection.

We desire to thank those who so kindly assisted through the illness and death of our dear wife and mother, Rev. Tulga for his words of comfort and Mr. Crite the funeral director for his good service and kindess.

Mr. Eli Waits and children 7-14

Many thanks to Charlotte Dittmar for all of her assistance in locating and mailing all of the Lancaster, Ohio obituaries. She has been an enormous help with my research.

Brian Davis – Christine Davis (Williams) – Ralph Scott Williams Jr. – Nellie Ruth Williams (Waits) – Harmon Clay Waits – Mary Louise Waits (Morris)

Categories: Williams